Saturday, February 23, 2013

Is Dreaming Enough?

How do we turn the drive for dreaming into action for others? My middle school students can dream. I love those conversations. They have passion and dreams and a vision for a world without the pain that too many people experience. They can talk about the problems. They see them clearly, but then they begin to fall into the adult trap of believing that the nature of the future is that it is already written, and their actions can't or won't make a difference. The students' passion for action fades, and the cycle goes quiet into the next injustice rears its head. How do we break this cycle? How do we teach the skills of action taking? How can we make the risk of taking action more comfortable for students? How do we walk with students on this journey from dreaming to action? Schools need to be considering these questions so that we have an opportunity to build the action takers that we know are necessary to tackle the complex challenges of our democracy in the future.

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