Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Detailing the Final Days of Lunacy

Tomorrow I start my new position at MRHMS. I am truly excited about the challenge, but I thought that I would give everyone a sense of what the month of June has felt like.

7:30- I arrive at district office. I haven't been at Nipher for three weeks now because they wanted me out of the building.

7:40- Begin reading my Google Reader, waiting for someone to find work for me to do.

7:55- Still sitting in the Communication Director's Office. She isn't here. Well, no one is here but me.

7:56- Talk soccer with the retired athletic director, realize that there aren't any games to stream at 9 a.m. this morning. This creates a huge gap in the things to do list.

8:07- Talk Pujols and Musial with AD

8:07- Get Google Reader to 500

8:07- Mad Men with AD; still no work, no communication's director

8:23- Google Reader reaches 400

8:23- Communications Director arrives; surprised that I am here asks if I'll be here all day

8:23- Think about buying train tickets for Katy Trail trip.

8:37- Communications Director and I talk about my new job; she seems interested, but still gives me nothing to do.

8:41- Google Reader reaches 300; starting to feel a sense of pride about accomplishing something today

8:42- Thinking about sending a card to a "missing" friend

8:42- Could write a message about surrendering to a friend

8:55- most mornings in June, I would be queueing up streaming World Cup, but no games today.

9:00- Decide that I am staying for a while, so I charge my MRH computer and phone

9:18- Google Reader efforts are slowing, but closing in on 200

9:18- Thinking about going to 1:15 Cardinal Game

9:24- Below 200. This may be the last time in my career that I zero out my reader.

9:30- Discussing theft of computers from Kirkwood; I propose 1:1 as a way to alleviate the problem; deaf ears

9:46- Google Reader to 150; this is where I find the good stuff.

9:47- Folks reader inappropriate quotes from American humorist.

9:52- HR director who assigned me to work in this office hasn't talked to me all month; just walked by

9:54- Director of Security stopped by to talk with me; wondering if he is watching me or just bored.

10:06- begged for a job; have to find a quote for a hall of fame letter.

10:22- Fired up Pandora; needed something to listen to

10:24- Get feedback about quotes that I found

10:38- Google Reader to ZERO; may be the last time

11:09- Finished buying tickets for bike trip

11:22- Finishing bike trip e-mail

11:22- switched Pandora stations

11:45 Left Kirkwood for good; no goodbyes; no fanfare; just me packing up in the Communications Office and walking out the door

12:15-4:15- Cardinals lost, but a good time was had by all.

It is hard to create a genesis moment in 12 hours, but I'm trying to cleanse and prepare for tomorrow morning as it is hard to shift, but I am ready for my new journey. No more reasons to complain.


  1. Remember your feelings of not being appreciated, wanted, insert adjective here, and make sure that your new staff never feels that way. It is up to you! If a teacher feels appreciated they will run through a brick wall for you. Good luck!

  2. Wow. Hope you are going from famine to Feast!
    Good luck on new adventure.

    Agreed Dave. That's how I've always tried to approach coaching as well.
