It seems like this is an opening for our school continue the efforts to rebuild Joplin. How can we connect the power of our 1:1 programs. Ready. Fire. Aim. How can we connect with them?
As the work of our incentives group continues, this is a great
article for review about what we know about what works in the area of rewards.
poem by William Stafford. What is your thread?
Everyone loves good
weather, right Pepin?
Looking for the difference between good schools and effective schools. Read
We seem to be on a documentary role lately.
Here is a site for a bunch of great ones.
I guess that we missed safer internet day, but if you are looking to doing a booster shot with your advisory about digital citizenship. These seem like good
Here's ten
sites to build charts or graphs.
These one minute physics
videos are great. Great stuff for math, science, and systems thinking.
How can we support the learning of statistics in all content.
Jobs with stats involved are growing by the day.